Welcome Dear Tea Friends to
"Almond Roca for Tea Time"
And Happy New Year !
Can you believe that another Christmas is behind us?
The hurry and scurry is over and I am looking forward to the calmness of January and the new year ahead.
The hurry and scurry is over and I am looking forward to the calmness of January and the new year ahead.
Our Christmas was one of our very best since we had our darling, precious little grand daughter here to celebrate Jesus' Birthday with us.

My daughter works at Costco and she wanted to try their Almond Roca cookie bar mix so we had some rare girl time and tried it.
The box makes two 9 X 13 squares.
It really is quite tasty!
The teacup I am sharing today is Queen's Rosina China Co. "Yuletide".
It is a similar pattern to my
"A Christmas Cup of Tea" teapot
Made in China.
Thank you for stopping by Dear Teacup Friends for
"Almond Roca for Tea Time!"
"Almond Roca for Tea Time!"
Wishing You and Your Family
Good Health
A Wonderful New Year!
This week I will be joining these beautiful blogspots:
Bernideen's ~http://blog.bernideens.com/
Bernideen's Tea Time Cottage and Garden Blog Party
Beverly ~http://howsweetthesound.typepad.com/
Pink Saturday
Martha ~ http://www.marthasfavorites.com
Tea on Tuesday
Tuesday Cuppa Tea
No Place Like Home
No Place Like Home
Hope to see you there!