Thursday, February 14, 2019

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day Sweet Tea Friends!

To celebrate February the 14th  I set up my tea wagon in the kitchen with some "pretty in pink" teawares.

The pretty candy heart tray was a birthday gift from my dear friend Debbie. My other sweet friend Dawn gave me the pale pink lace Skye McGhie  tea set many years ago.

As I take pics today the snow is still on the ground.

The small teapot is a Sadler.

Today is a 'perfect day' to remember how much you love your precious family and friends! 💖


See you soon.


  1. Your post is adorable!Happy Valentine's Day!

  2. So many pretty tea things! Happy Valentine's Day!

  3. Happy S.Valentine's day!!! You've got a such amazing collection

  4. Happy Heart Month, Karen! I'm glad that one of your Saddler pretties was included in your lovely Valentine vignette.

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